Saturday, 5 April 2008

IVLE8: [MA1506] Don't Be Fortune's Fool Like Romeo!

Dear all,

(1) A mistake:

I made a mistake in the ultimate solution 9 question 7, please forget the
explanation to why the rank is 2, just see my tutorial notes, that explanation
is clearer. Please check all the errors from the webpage:

(2) More about tutorial 9:

There is also a geometrical explanation to the last question of tutorial 9, why
the system does not have solution. (please note that in the tutorial notes
9, the explanation is algebraic, which is equivalent to geometrical one.):

  • Geometrical Explanation to Question 7 can be found in the lecture notes.
    Usually, geometric meaning is much simpler to present, but algebraic meaning
    is much easier to follow.
  • A./P. Leung's Solution Slides:

(3) Solution packs of tutorial 10:

(4) Final exam (Consultation Schedule):

Wow, it is already tutorial 10! We are nearly killing all the tutorial bugs,
and the Final-Exam Monster is near at hand!

Some of you told me they can not understand the tutorial question, but they
were so quite in the tutorial. You need to solve your problem as soon as
possible! You can either come to my office or go to the consultation
room(E1A-03-06) in any consultation slots.

Here are the consultation schedule during the reading week:

Don't be fortune's fool like Romeo, we need a happy ending of this module!

(5) Final exam (Past Year Paper with Solutions):

Well, here are two important passed year exam papers with their solutions:
  1. 2006-2007 semester 2
  2. 2007-2008 semester 1

Best wishes,



Anonymous said...

You are excellent tutor! It's a pity I just know your web site and do not have chance to attend your groups.

Anonymous said...

Agreed ... if i had a tutor like you i wud have enjoyed my math so much more... and learn so much more